Sunday, August 23

Week 1 - Correction!

Some people caught the Scripture reference mistake in the powerpoint presentation this morning. I referenced Luke 25:26....the only problem is that there is no Luke 25:26! 

The correct verse is Luke 14:26. 

Sorry, there will probably be more mistakes like this during the semester. Please keep me in check.

Thanks to Mr. Eddie and Mr. Justin for bringing this to my attention!


  1. Awesome first class Bill. I think many of us are excited about learning some skills that you learned in siminary that will help us study the Bible with more depth. Like trying to find chapters that are not even in the Bible. They probably have a whole class on that skill at RTS. CONNECT THE DOTS PEOPLE!!!

  2. Yes. . . I actually noticed this too. Didn't want to call out your mistakes Bill on the first start out of the gate! Awesome lesson though on connecting the dots in the Bible. Love the song by Casting Crowns "Your Word is Alive". It talks about how no other written document that spans over thousands of years could be that cohesive! Amazing God we have!
    wendy whitley

  3. Great song. I went and listened to it this morning. Thanks Wendy.
