Sunday, September 27

Monday, September 21

Homework for Week 5

What are the two main acts of judgment found in the Bible?

There is one in the Old Testament and one in the New Testament.

See if you can find them.

Sunday, September 20

The Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent

Summary of Week 5:

Week 5 Audio
Week 5 Notes

One of the consequences of the Fall is that mankind is cast out of the garden of Eden. In one sense, you could say that they were "exiled". The same is true with the nation of Israel in the Garden of Canaan.

Mankind as a whole has been separated from fellowship with God because of sin. Therefore man is in need of redemption and reconciliation in order that he might enjoy the abundant life for which he was created.

The promise of redemption is first seen in Genesis 3:15. In this verse, we find that there will be two lines throughout history: the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. These two lines will have conflict between one another. Yet the seed of the woman will eventually "crush" the serpent. Since the Fall, Satan has been trying to kill the child of promise. It looks as if the seed of the serpent is going to have victory through the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. But in a great turn of events, although he was dead and buried, on the third day he rose again from the dead to show his victory over death and Satan himself.

Monday, September 14

Week 4 - "Doing what seems right in your own eyes"

Summary of Week 4:

Week 4 Audio
Week 4 Notes

In one sense, sin is simply disobedience to God’s command. Yet in another sense, sin is about becoming your own authority or “doing what seems right in your own eyes.” We find this idea in the gardens of Eden, Canaan, and Gethsemane.

However, Jesus is the one man who did not “do what seemed right in his own eyes” (Luke 22:42). Because of his work on our behalf, Jesus has poured out the Holy Spirit upon us…the Spirit (subjective) then works in conjunction with the Word of God (objective) to help us see and do what is right in the eyes of the Lord.

Monday, September 7

Homework for Week 3

What went wrong in the gardens of Eden and Canaan?

How might we learn from those failures?

Week 3 - The story of kings

Summary of Week 3:

Week 3 Audio
Week 3 Documents

Throughout the gardens of Eden, Canaan, and Gethsemane, we find that God commands his people to subdue the land and rule over it. In the garden of Canaan, the people must take the land thru a military conquest. In the garden of Gethsemane, the people must take the land thru a spiritual conquest (evangelism).

Below is a link to a paper I wrote concerning the Imprecatory Psalms. It has some insights into how God could command the nation of Israel to kill the inhabitants of the land of Canaan.


Thursday, September 3

Homework for Week 2

Last week, I asked everyone to think of an occupation or profession that is found in all four gardens. Some have given the following answers: gardener, sculptor, judge, etc. While these have some merit to them, they are not exactly what I'm looking for. So I will give you a hint.

There are certain stories that transcend time and culture. For example, the story of Romeo and Juliet. This story has been told a thousand different ways throughout history and in various cultural settings. At the core of the story is the idea of love.

Now think about other generic stories that transcend time and culture. Think about the stories you were drawn to as a child. And then ask yourself what profession or occupation do some of the characters in those stories hold. This may get you closer to the answer I'm looking for.